Thursday, February 28, 2013

Birthday Reflections

Dear Attia,

I can't believe you are already turning two! It's amazing how fast you have grown. This time last year you could only get around by crawling, and your little head was still basically bald. My, how things have changed! Not only can you walk, but you also run, jump and hop. You use your size 6 feet to go go go - all the time. Oh, and you have more hair now too.

This time last year your were still completely dependent on your mommy and daddy. Now you are quite an independent little girl. You like to do things on your own. You like to walk instead of ride in the stroller. You like to go up and down stairs by yourself. You like to pick out your own clothes. You like to dress yourself - but you are much better at taking your clothes off than putting them on. You demonstrate this when you decide that it is time for a "shouw" (you love your showers). You like to tackle new challenges - like assembling your baby stroller by yourself.  Sometimes it is hard, and you get frustrated, but you (usually) end up letting your mommy help, and you watch and learn, and take over to do it yourself right away. You are very smart.

This time last year you could still only communicate with a few basic signs, some simple one syllable words and animal noises, and of course laughing and crying. Now you just chatter away. I love to hear your little voice - talking to your babies, chatting in the back seat on the way home from daycare, signing songs around the house. Of course some of this is still hard to understand, but some of it is very clear, and every day I can understand more of your stories and songs. You add to your vocabulary at an amazing rate. You are quickly adding complexity to your phrases and sentences. You repeat everything I say and you quickly grasp new concepts. Like that your snowman was melted by the sun. Like I said, you are smart.

This time last year you were still waking up to eat at least once a night. You are now a wonderful sleeper and mommy and daddy are very grateful for that. You still take one or two good naps every day, and you sleep all through the night. Thank you!

Of course, there are some things that are still the same as they were this time last year, and I am glad for them as well. You still love to snuggle with your mommy and daddy. You still like to give a whole variety of kisses, including goat kisses, butterfly kisses, and Eskimo kisses (i.e. "nose kisses"). You are still a very sweet and silly little girl, and a pleasure to be around.

I'm sure that this year will bring many new things, as every year does. But no matter how you change, or don't change, your daddy and I will always love you. You are our sweet little girl and we treasure every moment that we spend with you. Watching you grow is a true miracle and joy. I can't wait to see what the coming years bring!

Happy Birthday Squirt!
I Love You!


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