Saturday, February 23, 2013

Attia Says...

"Atti eat a Power Bar"

"Yep" "Nope"

"Oh, sorry" (She just started saying this a lot when she drops things, runs into me, etc. Pretty funny)

"Rosa go lay down!"

"Stripes! Atti wear stripes. Mommy wear stripes!"

"Atti like stripes"

"Atti go outside? Go play at park?"

"Go play in snow?"

"Daddy throw ay [away] popucorn"   (Yes, one time, weeks, ago, daddy threw away an old bag of popcorn)

"I make a circle" (her favorite thing to draw)

"Thank you, Welcome" or Thank you Mommy"

"Shhhh. Quiet" (to mom and dad, to Rosa, to crying babies, and the list goes on)

"Zuntite" (gesundheit)


"2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10"  (occasionally 1 and 7 get thrown in there)

       And the best?...

"I love you Mommy" & "I love you Daddy" (we've been waiting a long time for that one)

While we are here: She got her canine teeth mid-January to early February; she goes up the stairs no problem, and now she goes down standing up and holding onto the rail/wall; She has discovered TV and likes "Cat in Hat," "Max and Ruby," "Monkey" [Curious George] and "Mickey," among others; In the evening she likes to come into the kitchen, spin circles, and make up songs about her day, the park, etc.; she is very entertaining; she is also very independent; she builds train tracks by herself; she is very good at getting her point across with words; she repeats and grasps a surprising amount of new vocabulary and concepts; she will be two in less than a week!

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