Tuesday, March 27, 2012

More Milestones!

Boy, the milestones just keep coming! I didn't want to end up with a monster post like I did last time, so I thought I would hurry and cover some of the things that Attia has been doing since her first birthday. It seems like up until this point it was her motor skills that were developing like crazy, and of course they still are, but what I have been impressed by now is the huge leap in her cognitive skills. She is such a smart little girl!

  • The day that Attia turned one (March 1) she decided to start standing - hands free! She was standing at her toy shelf muching on snacks and she really wanted to use both hands to eat, so she did! Of course it was the lure of food that interested her enough to let her forget about hanging on. :-)

  • On March 3rd (after her b-day party) we were hanging out with Gram and Grump and we were all saying 'woof,' trying to get her to say it. Instead of repeating it she crawled into the other room, went straight for her bookshelf, pulled out her animal book, flipped to the page with the dog on it and pointed to the dog! Not what we were going for, but I was amazed!
    That same day my boss gave her a toy duck and a 'Find the duck' book, and when prompted to find the duck she points to it! Whoa!
  • Later that day, when it was time for bed, we did our usual bedtime routine and when daddy said, "Good night, Love you!" she replied, "wuv oo!"
    Awww! Talk about heart melting!
  • She likes to color with crayons and markers, and around the beginning of the month she started being able to take the cap off of a skinny marker and then put it back on. Of course she doesn't cap the marker when she's done coloring, taking the cap off and on is a fun game in itself.
  • On March 8th her third tooth popped through. Her first top tooth, it was tooth number 8.
  • She loves shoes! She likes to wear shoes, she likes to try to put them on, she likes to try to wear mommy's and daddy's shoes, she likes to wear them on her hands... she just likes shoes!

  • She already likes to talk on the phone. I was surprised that she picked it up so quickly, but anytime she can get a hold of one of our phones she puts it up to her ear and says, 'Hi!' (Well, really it's more like "Ha!")
  • This month she has been more and more interested in feeding herself. She eats a lot of finger foods, and when we feed her with a spoon she is usually trying to do it herself by the end of the bowl. Sometimes she is content to use her spoon with my help or using her spoon while I feed her with another one. Other times SHE wants to do it HERSELF! Things can get messy...
  • She has also been trying to drink from a regular glass. At first she was dumping it all over herself, but she is getting much better. Now she usually spills a little at first and then she figures out where the liquid is and starts gulping it down!
  • This week she started throwing little 'mini tantrums'. If we tell her not to do something or if we take something away from her she throws herself on the floor crying. It's actually pretty funny, but not something we want to continue. After talking to her daycare provider it seems that she may have learned this from her little friend at daycare. Oh the things she is going to be learning at school...
  • One nice change this month was that her sleep schedule started to get much better!  I think the recent time change really helped because we are putting her down at the same 'time,' the clock just reads an hour later - which is nice for us in the morning! At night she typically goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up around 5:30 or 6:00 to eat. Then a lot of times she will go back to sleep, in her crib, for another hour or two! Very nice :-) Sometimes she will wake up and want to eat around 2:00am, but only occasionally, so that is just fine with me.

    Naps have been better too. She has been taking a nice long one in the morning, usually around 10:00 and lasting about an hour and an half - but sometimes longer! Then she will take a half hour to an hour nap in the afternoon. Much better than three thirty minute naps!
  • And the big news... Last night (March 26) Attia took her FIRST STEPS!!! We were in the kitchen and daddy had a glass of milk that she really wanted to drink. So daddy held the glass just out of reach in front of her and she actually moved her little feet and took four tiny steps towards us! Awww!

    We tried to get her to walk for the video camera when we were outside a little later. Of course she didn't really want to comply, but we did manage to capture one or two steps. Check out the video!  [Note: Her cute outfit got dirty at daycare :-)]

    She has been using us to help her walk for quite a while - holding onto our hands as she toddles around. But not for much longer! Now that she has had these little steps she is sure to find her footing soon. And then she'll off!
  • That's all we have for now, but I'm sure there will be more soon!

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